Collection "Occupational hygiene", Issue 30, 1999 year



Yu.I. Kundiev

Occupational medicine in transition

(Opening remarks at the scientific and practical conference «Current state, organization and prospects of development of occupational pathology service of Ukraine in the new conditions of economic development taking into account changes in forms of ownership»)

Pishchikov V.A., Lubyanova I.P.

Occupational morbidity in Ukraine (dynamics over the last 10 years , reasons for the formation) and ways to maintain the professional health of the population

Nagorna A.M., Kulchitska T.K., Gruzєva T. S., Pakin Yu.V., Kulchitska N.O.

Happy problems and I will become healthier for the population of the Ukrainian country of origin

Nagorna A.M., Krasnyuk O.P., Lubyanova I.P., Stepanenko A. V., Kornuta N.O., Rosinska L.M.

Standards of medical technologies for occupational pathology

Voznesensky S.A.

Modern approaches to preparation personnel in the field of occupational medicine in foreign countries

Kryzhanovskaya M.V.

The significance of man-made and natural environmental factors in development of pathology

Krasnyuk E.P., Gorban L.N.

Problems of detecting and preventing occupational cancer in Ukraine

Gvozdenko L. A.

To the problem of studying electromagnetic optical radiation from natural and artificial sources

Kuchuk OO, Rosinska L.M., Basanets A.V.

Dose-effective distribution of respiratory symptoms from the level of endotoxins in the zone of nutritional robots in feed processing and come in too early

Tsapko V.G., Krasnyuk P., Sterenbogen M.Yu.

Features of occupational morbidity the impact of biological factors of the working environment

Tkach S.I., Prilipska N.I., Chernishova O.M., Tkach Yu.I., Lisenko A.I., Fallakha N.M., Trukh V.S., Noeokhatka L.V., Chernova S.D., Koltsov V.A.

Diagnosis of impaired immunity and fiery impairment of the bronchial and lung systems in individuals who are in contact with professional factors

Potapov A.A.

Hygiene aspects detection and prevention of professionally conditioned pathology in computer operators with VDT

Rozhkovskaya G.P., Gorobets I.K. V.

Toxicological and hygienic cooling liquids

Kulyas V.M. , Aslanova E.A., Valutsina V.M.

Hormonal dynamics status of miners in deep coal mines in the process of adapting to a heating microclimate

S. E. Deineka, N. N. Fishko

Nonspecific changes in white blood in experimental lead intoxication and the results of prophylactic use of drugs of natural origin

Tkach S.I., Koltsov V.A. , Chernova S.D., Prilipskaya N.I.

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