Main trends of scientific studies and perspectives of their development

  • Studying mechanisms of isolated and combined effects of harmful work-related factors of different origin and improvement of scientific and methodical foundations of their hygienic regulation

Following this direction there are conducted toxicological studies on the biological action of different chemical substances of micro-and nanosized range.

Using modern electron microscopic cytological, cytochemical, biochemical and immunological methods in vitro (on cell and tissue cultures) and in vivo (Wistar rats), the regularities of cell and systemic reactions on the effect of heavy metals, depending on the size and specific surface of nanoparticles, patterns of their penetration through the skin and endothelium of the blood vessels, peculiarities of toxicokinetics and toxicodynamics are studied; the possibility of using solvation hybrid equations for assessing the risk of skin resorption of pesticides used in agriculture in Ukraine, new methods of analysis of pesticide formulations, using multi-residual and elemental chromatographic analysis are under study; main harmful factors of the work environment and work processes in modern office premises and their impact on the health status and functional state of office workers are determined; hygienic lighting standards are being developed for using LED lamps; hygienic estimation of modern technologies in biofuel production of agricultural raw materials is carried out. These studies should be further developed.

  • Epidemiological research on the health of the working population and development of scientifically based criteria for assessment and management of occupational health risks.

The ideological bases and systemic principles of the software and normative and technical support of the State Register of occupational diseases are developed as well as target technical tasks for the specialized work place (SWP) software for maintenance of the Register. The efforts are undertaken for getting modern technical equipment.

According to this direction there is provided further improvement of principles and methods of analyses of the results of epidemiological studies on occupational and work-related diseases, including occupational cancer. The studies are planned concerning prevalence of morbidity of tuberculosis among selected contingents of workers.

  • The problem of occupational stress associated with high nervous-emotional stress in persons of operator’s professions and improving principles of the psychophysiological selection.

Prospects of this direction are development of scientific and methodological principles for provision of rehabilitation psycho-physiological assistance to combatants, suffered from the effect of the combat stress, and to the population in the conflict zone as well as determination of age regularities in disorders of adaptive reactions in individuals, working in extreme conditions by a shift schedule.

  • Improvement of methods of diagnostics, treatment and prevention of occupational and work-related diseases.

Research in this direction in the near future will be devoted to clarification of the role of the genetic component in development of COPD of the dust etiology in miners, to establishing genetic markers of genetic predisposition and resistance to COPD, determining the role of the genetic component in the COPD development as a result of the gene expression "proteolysis-antiproteolysis" under the influence of the coal dust.