List of services that the Institute can provide to enterprises, institutions and organizations

1. Laboratory of testing vehicles and products of mechanical engineering/Laboratory of occupational health in transport;

* testing vehicles;

• carrying out sanitary and epidemiological examination of normative documents for manufacturing of vehicles and products of mechanical engineering;

Начало формы

• carrying out sanitary and epidemiological examination of vehicles and products of mechanical engineering;

• conducting hygienic research for certification of workplaces.

2. Laboratory of occupational health and physiology in shift work

• Improvement of schedules for shift work, regimes for work and rest

• Hygienic assessment of working conditions, certification of workplaces

• Sanitary and epidemiological expertise of various types of products

3. Laboratory of analytical chemistry and monitoring of chemicals

- development of methods for determination of harmful chemical substances (pesticides, industrial compounds, etc.) in the air of the working zone, in the atmospheric, soil and water;

- development of methods for determination of pesticide residues in agricultural raw materials, food products, biologic media;

- control of the content of active substances in pesticide formulations, elemental composition of mineral fertilizers, quality of disinfectants, etc.;

- control of the pollution of the work environment and the general environment with regard to pesticides, heavy metal compounds, etc;

- determination of pesticide residues and heavy metals in agricultural raw materials and food products;

- determination of the content of pesticides and heavy metals, bioelements,

microelements in biological human media for diagnostics of poisonings and diseases;

- training specialists and advisory assistance in methods for controlling chemical factors.

4. Laboratory of cancer hazard and prevention of occupational cancer

- creation and information comparison of databases on working conditions and morbidity of workers of malignant neoplasms.

- assessment of cancer and epidemiological situations in populations and cohorts.

- epidemiological analysis of risk factors and cancer morbidity of the population and workers (descriptive, cohort study, case-control study).

- identification of carcinogenic hazards at workplaces (according to the IARC classification).

- estimation of individual and carcinogenic risks in the population and in workers (by the US EPA method).

- prognosis of cancer morbidity levels in the population and cohorts.

- development and assessment of the effectiveness of targeted screening programs for malignant neoplasms during medical examinations of the population and workers.

- development and evaluation of the effectiveness of multi-level prevention programs on malignant neoplasms.

- clinical and epidemiological examination and establishment of a link between a disease with a malignant neoplasm and working conditions.

- clinical and epidemiological assessment of the effectiveness in providing medical care to cancer patients.

5. Laboratory on studying and rating physical factors of the work environment

- conducting research works on the effect of physical factors on the human body, and their hygienic regulation;

- attestation of work places according to conditions and the character of work;

- sanitary and epidemiological expertise of industrial products.

  1. Laboratory of medico-biological criteria of occupational effects and occupational health in welding

- conducting morphological, cytochemical and biochemical studies;

- sanitary-hygienic research of physical and chemical factors of the work environment;

- studying cytotoxicity of nanoparticles;

- measuring the content of nanoparticles in the working zone air;

- studying concentrations of ultra-dispersed particles in the welding production;

- certification of workplaces according to work conditions for justification of benefits and compensations;

- sanitary and epidemiological examination of domestic and imported products and new types of products, which are manufactured with the use of nanotechnologies and nanomaterials.

7. Laboratory of toxicology of pesticides and occupational health in their application

  • Toxicological studies of chemicals (pesticides, mineral fertilizers, plant growth regulators, disinfectants, etc.) for the primary toxicological characteristics;

• Hygienic studies for the state testing of pesticides and


• Expert conclusions on products that require clearance at the state border for their state registration in the State Consumption Service

(Derzhspozhsluzhba) and in the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment.

  1. Laboratory of physiology of work

- development of methodical approaches to evaluation of the functional state by parameters of psychophysiological functions, cardiovascular system and vestibular apparatus;

- development of criteria for evaluating the functional state of the body of a working person;

- development of criteria for occupational psycho-physiological selection and monitoring of professionally important qualities for high-risk occupations;

- development of methodical approaches to assessment of the predisposition or stability of a person to development of the monotony state;

- development of methodical approaches to the assessment of work capacity and reliability of the operator's activity;

- assessment of the level of development of chronic fatigue and working out preventive measures;

- development of psychophysiological measures for rehabilitation of the ATO participants as a result of the combat stress;

- development of rational work and rest schedules for highly dangerous occupations;

- development of criteria and procedures for conducting psycho-physiological examinations;
- development of approaches to assessment of chronic fatigue, overstrain and other pre-pathological states.

9. Laboratory of toxicology and occupational health in the use of chemical substances

- conducting state sanitary-and-epidemiological expertise of various chemical substances, which are manufactured or used in production, including cosmetics, washing means, disinfectants .

- conducting state sanitary and epidemiological examination of normative documentation (Specifications).

- carrying out sanitary and chemical researches of materials and products (emission of chemical substances in the model environment).

- development of hygienic standards on chemicals for the air of the working zone.

Conducting toxicological studies of chemicals by the following indicators:

- determination of parameters of acute toxicity in administration into the


- determination of parameters of acute toxicity when applied onto the skin;

- estimation of irritating skin effect in single and multiple application;

- assessment of skin-resorptive action;

- assessment of sensitization action;

- assessment of chronic toxicity in administration intraperitoneally and when

applied onto the skin;

- estimation of cumulative action.

- determination of acute toxicity (cytotoxic action) of xenobiotics in human

culture and animal cells in experiments in vitro.

- evaluation of manifestations of immunotoxicity of chemicals in acute,

subchronic and chronic experiments (determination of indicators of the

natural immunity, cellular and humoral components of the adaptive


- determining the content of mercury and other heavy metals in objects of the environment and human biological media.

10. Department of occupational pathology

- Consultative assistance at all levels of medical care of the working population - primary, secondary, tertiary.

- Conducting medical examinations of employees (preliminary and periodic).

- Training of specialists-occupational pathologies at workplaces.

- Conducting pre-certification cycles on advanced training in occupational pathology.

11. Clinic of occupational diseases

Expert examinations by:

  • Allergist
  • Obstetrician-gynecologist
  • Dermatovenereologist
  • Neuropathologist
  • Otolaryngologist
  • Ophthalmologist
  • Dentist
  • Therapist
  • Traumatologist-orthopedist
  • Cardiologist
  • Occupational pathologist
  • Psychotherapist
  • Psychologist
  • Physiotherapist
  • Blood pressure and pulse measurement (one time)

Otolaryngological examination;

  • subjective audiometry:
  • acumetry;
  • tuning-out experiments;
  • threshold tone audiometry.
  • impedance audiometry (objective method):
  • dynamic timpanometry;
  • determination of the acoustic reflex of internal muscles of ears

Ophthalmologic examination:

  • visual acuity study;
  • eyelid study (direct ophthalmoscopy);
  • autokeratorefractometry;
  • research of optical media (slit lamp);
  • selection of glasses;
  • intraocular pressure study (Maklakov method).

Dermatological examinations:

  • clinical examination;
  • collection of material for research;
  • medical manipulations.

Methods of functional diagnostics:

  • ECG research;
  • rheovasography;
  • rheoencephalography;
  • spirometry;
  • bodyplethysmography by computer analysis of the data obtained with definition of the degree of ventilation deficiency;
  • electroneuromyography, electromyography;
  • dynamometry;
  • vibration sensitivity (palesthesiometry);
  • cold test (measuring the skin temperature);
  • algesimetry (pain sensitivity study);
  • Rosenblatt's muscular endurance.

X-ray studies:

  • X-ray of the chest organs in two projections;
  • X-ray of the peripheral parts of the backbone and spine in two projections;
  • X-ray of hands or foots in two projections;
  • X-ray of tubular bones in two projections;
  • X-ray of the skull bones.

Ultrasound research:

  • ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity;
  • ultrasound examination of retroperitoneal space;
  • ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland;
  • otolaryngologic examinations;
  • research of hearing by tone audiometry;
  • study of the vestibular apparatus on the Barani armchair.

Clinical and Biochemical Laboratory:

  • hematological blood test:
  • number of white blood cells;
  • number of red blood cells;
  • number of agranulocytes;
  • number of lymphocytes;
  • number of trombocytes;
  • thrombocrit;
  • width of throbmocytes distribution by volume.

Biochemical blood test:

  • bilirubin total;
  • urea;
  • creatinine;
  • cholesterol;
  • triglycerides;
  • alanine aminotransferase (ALT);
  • aspartate aminotransferase (AST).

Clinical Urine Test:

  • physical properties;
  • by Nechyporenko;
  • by Zemnystkyi

Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry and Monitoring of Toxic Substances:

  • Determination of the content of heavy metals and microelements in human biological media (whole blood, blood serum and plasma, urine, hair) by the multielemental method of atomic emission spectrometry (lead, magnesium, manganese, chromium, arsenic, iron, copper, zinc, etc.)