Collection Occupational hygiene, Issue 30, 1999 year

Dynamics of the hormonal status of miners in deep coal mines in the process of adaptation to the heating microclimate

Rozhkovskaya G.P., Gorobets E.K., Gubar I.V.


ГП НИИ медико-экологических проблем Донбасса и угольной промышленности, Донецк

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The dynamics of the state of the pituitary-adrenal, pituitary-thyroid and pituitary-gonadal systems was studied under conditions of prolonged exposure to high temperatures of the industrial environment. It has been established that miners under the age of 35 and 10 years of work experience have multidirectional changes in the hormonal balance, reflecting the process of failure of adaptation, with the subsequent possible development of pathological conditions.

The studied indicators of hormonal imbalance can be used as an additional criterion for early diagnosis of the state of pre-disease.

Key words: heating microclimate, adaptation, hormonal status, miners.


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