Collection Occupational hygiene, Issue 21, 1985 year

The state of the air environment and ways of its normalization in the main buildings of thermal power plants with a capacity of 800 MW units

I. G. Tkacheva, S. P. Berezhnoe, V. S. Bykovsky


Kiev Research Institute of Occupational Hygiene and Occupational Diseases

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Improving working conditions at power plants is the most important prerequisite for maintaining the health of workers serving the power plant, reducing the incidence of sickness among them, and increasing the efficiency of their work. As a result of many years of research, in particular, carried out by the Kiev Research Institute of Occupational Health and Occupational Diseases, at thermal power plants (TPPs), the main unfavorable factors of the working environment have been identified, their sources and ways of their distribution have been established, and the physiological characteristics of working conditions have been given [1-5].

Working conditions were mainly studied in power plants with a unit capacity not exceeding 500 MW. Working conditions at gas-and-oil TPPs with a capacity of 800 MW and more have not been sufficiently studied.

Research carried out at TPPs in recent years in conjunction with the sanitary engineers of the OKB of the Kiev Research Institute of Occupational Hygiene and Occupational Diseases make it possible to translate hygiene recommendations into specific sanitary solutions.

The results obtained by us at power plants with a unit capacity of 800 MW, data on actual heat generation in the main buildings of the GRES were transferred to the Soyuztekhenergo association and VGPI Teploelectroproekt.


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