Collection Occupational hygiene, Issue 21, 1985 year

The state of the cardiovascular system in girls mastering the profession of a fruit and vegetable grower in a rural vocational school

A. M. Nagornaya, A. N. Ratushnaya


Kiev Research Institute of Occupational Hygiene and Occupational Diseases

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Numerous studies by Soviet and foreign authors indicate that the state of health of adolescents largely determines the formation and improvement of protective and adaptive mechanisms in the process of mastering a profession and performing work.

Among the diseases observed in adolescents, a considerable proportion are such as rheumatism, hypertension, vegetative-vascular dystopia, inflammatory diseases of the liver and biliary tract, chronic tonsillitis, etc. Physiological and hygienic examinations of adolescents with deviations in health allow us to determine their functional capabilities and labor forecast for the period of study, make rational decisions in their employment, regulate physical activity for them, and also develop preventive health measures.

For this purpose, we studied some indicators of the cardiovascular system in girls with disabilities in health status studying at a rural vocational school.

In order to preserve the health and working capacity of adolescents, it is necessary to take a differentiated approach to admitting girls with deviations in health to the vocational school (depending on the stage and severity of the pathological process). If the listed deviations are detected in the learning process, such students should be taken into dispensary registration.

The results obtained were used in the development of recommendations for improving the medical care of vocational school students and in compiling lists of medical contraindications for admitting adolescents to rural secondary vocational schools.


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