Collection Occupational hygiene, Issue 24, 1988 year

Forecasting the physiological efficiency of the labor of miners in deep coal mines

L. N. Tkachenko, G. S. Perederiy


Donetsk Research Institute of Occupational Hygiene and Occupational Diseases

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In the conditions of modern production, interest in the problem of the functional state of the organism of a working person is growing. A number of authors consider the functional state as a complex of human characteristics that determine the performance of an activity [5]. The importance of studying the functional state of miners in deep coal mines is dictated by the special nature of their work and the unique conditions in which it takes place. It is known that most of the labor operations performed by miners of the main professions belong to the category of severe ones, and a complex of a number of factors of the working environment (the danger of landslides, gas explosions, coal emissions, etc.) often contributes to high neuro-emotional stress. This causes an increased level of functioning of the body of miners and negatively affects the physiological efficiency and productivity of their work.

In this work, the relationship between the functional state of the body of miners and the efficiency of their production activity is studied in order to develop criteria for predicting the physiological efficiency of miners' labor.

It was revealed that the efficiency of miners' labor when loading rocks is due to the initial level of functioning of the physiological systems of the body, against which homeostatic reactions are formed, which ensure production activity. In persons with low labor productivity before the shift, there is a tension in the regulatory mechanisms for controlling cardiac activity, a pronounced activation of the sympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system and central ergotropic structures, as well as a decrease in the functions of external respiration and the muscular system. Miners with high labor efficiency are characterized by a normotonic type of regulation of the heart, a greater ventilation capacity of the lungs and a higher muscular performance.


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