Collection Occupational hygiene, Issue 32, 2001 year

Experience in biomonitoring professional exposure of heavy metals lead and cadmium

Demchenko V.F., Aleksandrova L.G., Andrusishina I.N., Lampeka E.G., Golub I.A.


Institute of Occupational Health of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev

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The 20th century was characterized not only by violent human activity, but also by the fact that its environment was contaminated with various potentially toxic chemicals. The impact of these substances on the human body can lead to health problems and, as a result, to the occurrence of occupationally or environmentally related diseases. International organizations EPA, WHO, UNEP include heavy metals, in particular lead, cadmium, mercury / 1-3 /, as priority environmental pollutants.

The purpose of this work is to identify the relationship between the level of air pollution by toxicants and their content in biological media. Research objects: heavy metals - lead, cadmium, air of the working area, atmospheric air, biological media - blood, urine.

Getting into the human body with water, food, air, xenobiotics penetrate into various organs and tissues, can accumulate in them and are excreted from the body mainly with urine and feces. The identification and assessment of the content of xenobiotics or their metabolites in the biological media of the organism is the main task of biomonitoring. If hygienic monitoring involves a direct assessment of the quality of the environment, then the results of biomonitoring make it possible to make this assessment indirectly.

The studies carried out allowed us to note the following:

  1. The background content of lead in the blood of the population reflects the levels of air pollution in large industrial cities (Kiev, Zaporozhye, Kremenchug) and the intake of heavy metals into the body with the diet. The background levels of lead and cadmium in the blood of the population of a large city (Kiev) and an agricultural region (Poltava) do not have significant differences.
  2. No reliable correlation has been established between the level of air pollution in the working area and the lead content in the blood (urine) of workers.
  3. A significant correlation was found between the content of lead in the air and DALK in the urine of radio installers.

Thus, the accumulated experience of biomonitoring shows that, in conjunction with monitoring of environmental / industrial pollution, it is necessary to develop and further improve approaches to assessing the possible adverse environmental impact on a working person.


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