Collection Occupational hygiene, Issue 28, 1992 year

Assessment of the influence of working conditions and overweight on the formation of cardiovascular pathology in agricultural workers

P. N. Witte


Kiev Research Institute of Occupational Hygiene and Occupational Diseases

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In order to implement and develop comprehensive and effective programs for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases in agricultural workers, an in-depth study of the existing well-known and occupational risk factors for the development of these diseases is required [1, 2].

The purpose of this work was to study the features of the influence of the combined impact of occupational and production factors and such a risk factor as overweight on the formation of cardiovascular pathology in workers in the agro-industrial complex.

We studied the prevalence of smoking and overweight (BMI) as risk factors in the surveyed cohorts of workers, taking into account occupational influences. Based on the analysis of the obtained materials, we will try to formulate a hypothesis about the etiological risk of the impact of a combination of occupational factors and BMI on the formation of cardiovascular diseases.

The results obtained confirm the importance of occupational and industrial factors in the formation of cardiovascular pathology, which makes it possible to clarify the concept of a preventive strategy. All of the above made it possible to take into account the combination of features of professional activity and BMI when developing complexes of preventive measures for agricultural workers.


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