Collection Occupational hygiene, Issue 22, 1986 year

Assessment of the functional state, performance and working conditions by physiological indicators

V.A. Buzunov


Kiev Research Institute of Occupational Hygiene and Occupational Diseases

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Assessment of the functional state of the organism of workers, their performance in terms of physiological indicators is of great social, medical and economic importance. It is important in solving such issues of rational use of labor resources as assessing the impact of working conditions on the body of workers and classifying these conditions, determining professional suitability, rational employment, vocational rehabilitation, professional selection.

When classifying working conditions according to severity, tension, and harmfulness, age groups 20–39, 40–49, 50–60 years old are selected for observation (10–15 healthy and practically healthy people in each group). An integral assessment of the class of working conditions is carried out on the basis of the average values ​​of the integral estimates for each age group. The class of working conditions in relation to a specific person is determined on the basis of changes in individual, integral assessments. The latter is especially important for resolving the issues of professional suitability of workers, their employment, providing them with medical and preventive care.

When determining aptitude, one should take into account the physiological data obtained both at the beginning of work and at the end of it.

The proposed classification of the functional state of the organism of workers according to physiological indicators is certainly applicable to workers whose working conditions and nature are identical or close to those studied.


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