The Laboratory was founded in 1931 as a Physico-chemical Laboratory, then – as Laboratory of industrial-sanitary chemistry, headed by Professor S. M. Chumanov, and in 1945 - T.O.Lebedeva, since 1946 - by.V.P.Vendt -cand.chem.sci; in I960-65 by M.A.Trotsenko (M.A.Klisenko)- cand.chem.sci. Then it was Laboratory of analytical chemistry of pesticides headed by G.O. Khokholkova – cand.biol.sci. and since 1991 headed by Demchenko V.F.– cand.biol.sci. Since 1991 it is Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry and Monitoring of Toxic Substances.
Already in the 1940s, first methods on detecting harmful substances in the air of the working zone, and later - in pesticides, in the air and in foodstuffs, and what is very important - in human biological media, were developed for the first time in Ukraine and in the former Soviet Union.
In the 50's, V.P.Vendt, T. Lebedeva, M.A. Klisenko (M.A.Trotsenko) created a portable gas analyzer for determination of carbon monoxide, a device for wet burning of pesticides for their determination, a photoelectric absorbtiometer FA-2 and photocolourimeter FAK-56 (a patent is received), absorption device with a porous plate These were quite new methods of air sampling with the use of solid sorbents (protected by copyright certificates), which are widely used till present time.
Main directions of the scientific activity are: theoretical and experimental substantiation of the methodology, development of methodical support and implementation of hygienic and biological monitoring of exposure to pesticides, heavy metals, to other potentially hazardous chemicals for hygienic assessment of work conditions in agriculture and industry, quality of the environment, safe use of pesticides in agriculture, detection and assessment of risks at workplace, diagnostics and evaluation of the effectiveness in prevention and treatment of occupational and ecology-related poisonings and diseases, using modern physico-chemical methods of analysis: gas-liquid and high-performance liquid chromatography, chromate- mass spectrometry, optical-emission spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma.
Over the years of the Laboratory's existence its specialists have developed several hundred guidelines on determination of microquantities of toxic chemical substances (industrial compounds, pesticides, etc.) in the air of the working zone and in the atmospheric air, in soil and water, agricultural raw materials and food products, human biological media and experimental animals), implemented in Ukraine and abroad in the laboratories of sanitary supervision and work protection, in controlling, toxicological and agro-ecological laboratories..
The first practical manuals for chemists, laboratory doctors, toxicologists, hygienists, agrochemists, plant protection specialists have been prepared:"Determination of small quantities of pesticides in the air, foodstuffs, biological and other media" (M.A.Klisenko, T.A.Lebedeva, 1964),«Chemical analysis of microquantities of pesticides” (M.A.Klisenko, T.А.Lebedeva, Z.F.Yurkova, 1972); later – additional issue «Determination of pesticide residues” (Eds.Yu.I.Kundiyev М.А.Кlisenko, L.G.Аleksandrova,1983),«Methods of determination of pesticide microquantities in food products,fodder and the environment» (Ed.М.А.Кlisenko,1983), “Меthods of determination of pesticide microquantities”–an international issue (Ed. М.А.Кlisenko (1984), «Меthods of determination of pesticide мicroquantities in food products, fodder and the environment» in two volumes (М.А.Кlisenko, G.А.Khokholkova e.a.,1992).,"Handbook of selected terms for pesticides in analytical chemistry, ecohygiene, toxicology and agroecology"(Ed.Yu.I.Kundiyev, M.G.Prodanchuk, Klisenko M.A, Demchenko al.,2005), a training manual "Analytical chemistry of residual quantities of pesticides" (Klisenko M.A., Aleksandrova L.G., Demchenko V. F., Makarchuk T.L., 1999).
Methodical recommendations "Atomic-absorption methods for determination of macro- and micro-elements in biological media in disorders of their metabolism in the human body” (V.F. Demchenko, I.M.Andrusishina, O.G.Lampeka, I.O.Golub, 2010) and "Evaluation of disorders of mineral exchange in occupational contingents using the method of atomic emission spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma" (I.M.Andrusyshina, O.G. Lampeka, I.O.Golub, I.P. Lubyanova, T. D. Kharchenko, 2014) have been developed for clinical diagnostics,
Two leading, 2 senior and 3 junior research workers (of them - 1 Doctor of sciences and 4 candidates of sciences), a leading engineer, an engineer of the 1st category, a senior laboratory assistant with higher education and a technician work in the Laboratory. Also, Professor, Doctor of Biological Sciences M.A.Klisenko - founder of the national school of analytical chemistry of pesticides, a State Prize Laureate of Ukraine in science and technology in 2010, the author of 8 monographs and reference books, and a textbook, works in the Laboratory.
Laboratory is accredited by the Derzhspozhyvstandart and NAMS of Ukraine; takes part in inter-laboratory studies on confirming the competence at the State (Independent Analytical Center, National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine) and international level (FORTREES, SEQAS, LAMP, CDC).
Research services by agreements in accordance with a field of accreditation:
- development of methods for determination of harmful chemical substances (pesticides, industrial compounds, etc.) in the air of the working zone, in the atmospheric, soil and water;
- development of methods for determination of pesticide residues in agricultural raw materials, food products, biologic media;
- control of the content of active substances in the formulations of pesticides, the elemental composition of mineral fertilizers, the quality of disinfectants, etc.;
- control of the pollution of the work environment and the environment with regard to pesticides, heavy metal compounds, etc;
- determination of pesticide residues and heavy metals in agricultural raw materials and food products;
- determination of the content of pesticides and heavy metals, bioelements,
microelements in biological human media for the diagnosis of poisonings and diseases;
- training of specialists and advisory assistance in methods of the control of chemical factors.