The Clinic of occupational diseases has been functioning at the Institute since 1978. The last 30 years the Clinic is headed by Tetyana Kharchenko, the Honored Doctor of Ukraine.
The Clinic includes: neurological and therapeutic departments, rehabilitation department, consultative-outpatient department, clinical and biochemical laboratory, information-analytical division of medical statistics.
The capacity of the consultative outpatient department provides 75 visits per day.
The bed fund covers 80 beds, of which 40 are for therapeutic patients and 40 – for neurological patients.
Patients from all regions of Ukraine can address the Clinic for medical care. The procedure of admission of patients to the Clinic is defined in the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers dated November 30, 2011, №1232 «Some issues on investigation and registration of accidents, occupational diseases and accidents at work».
Annually medical care is provided to about two thousand patients; about two thousand patients are treated in the inpatient department.
In 1989, the Ukrainian Center of Occupational Pathology of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine was established on the basis of the Clinic. As part of the Center, there is the Central Medical-Expert Commission on establishing the linkage between working conditions and diseases.
Currently, the Institute’s Clinic is the only specialized medical center in Ukraine to provide highly qualified and highly specialized medical care to the working population.
There is a modern material and technical base in the Clinic, making it possible to objectify diagnoses of any occupational disease included in the "List of Occupational Diseases", approved by the Resolution No. 1662 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of November, 8, 2000.
For the examination of patients with diseases of the bronchopulmonary system, modern methods are introduced: bodyplethysmography, definition of the diffusion of the capacity of alveolar-capillary membranes, objective recording of respiratory noises (respirosonography).
In order to determine the functional state of the cardiovascular system there are used: twelve-digit electrocardiogram HEARTSCREEN 112-D with a pulse oxymeter, computer rheographer RHEOTEST, Holter "Kardio sens".
Impedance audiometry is used to diagnose neurosensory hearing impairment.
The Clinic provides highly specialized medical care by specialists of the higher and the first category, by Doctors and Candidates of sciences in specialties: neurology, therapy, psychotherapy, medical psychology, dermatology, ophthalmology, otolaryngology, dentistry, allergology, pulmonology, cardiology. The consultative assistance of other institutions of the National Academy of Medical Sciences system is widely involved.
Since 2014, medical and psychological care of war veterans affected by combat stress in the ATO zone is provided in the rehabilitation department. A multi-level combination of sanogenic measures is proposed with the use of medical-psychological, psychotherapeutic and medical-rehabilitation measures.
The diseases with which patients address to the rehabilitation department are states after an acute response to stress with various syndromes: insomnia, astheno-depressive, anxiety-depressive, etc.; post-traumatic stress disorders, manifestations of partial or complete social disadaptation, psychic instability, fatigue, apathy, sleep disorders; states after closed craniocerebral traumas; concussion of the brain; acubarotraumas; mine and explosive traumas and others.
Psychotherapeutic and psychological care is provided by the staff psychotherapists and psychologists, as well as by highly qualified certified volunteer psychologists who have scientific degrees and experience in treatment of military psychotrauma. All of them are employees of the Institute of Psychology named after G.S. Kostyuk NAPS of Ukraine.
Modern methods and techniques of psychotherapy are used: cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT-therapy), biosurgy, gestalt therapy, therapy with art and creative self-expression, psychodramas, symbol dramas, body-oriented psychotherapy, trauma-focused therapy, scheme-therapy, desensitization of psycho-trauma of the eye movement.
The physiotherapeutic equipment is actively used: electroprocedures (electrosleep, ionophoresis, UHF, D'Arsonval, magnetolaser, amplipulse, inductothermy, etc.), balneotherapy (underwater shower-massage, coniferous salt baths), exercise therapy, massage, reflexotherapy, inhalations, oxygen cocktail, ozocerite , magnitolaser, lymphatic drainage, shock wave therapy.
For psychological rehabilitation, a new unique TOMATIS method (France) - was introduced.
List of medical services that are available on
a self-supporting basis, provided by the Clinic of occupational diseases
Name of service:
Expert examinations by:
Occupational pathologist
Blood pressure and pulse measurement (one time)
Otolaryngologic examination;
Subjective audiometry:
tuning-out experiments;
threshold tone audiometry.
Impedance audiometry (objective method):
dynamic timpanometry;
determination of the acoustic reflex of internal muscles of ears
Ophthalmologic examination:
visual acuity study;
eyelid study (direct ophthalmoscopy);
research of optical media (slit lamp);
selection of glasses;
intraocular pressure study (Maklakov method).
Dermatological examinations:
clinical examination;
collection of material for research;
medical manipulations.
Methods of functional diagnostics:
ECG research;
bodyplethysmography by computer analysis of the data obtained with the definition of the degree of ventilation deficiency;
electroneuromyography, electromyography;
vibration sensitivity (palesthesiometry);
cold test (measuring the skin temperature);
algesimetry (pain sensitivity study);
Rosenblatt's muscular endurance.
X-ray studies:
X-ray of the chest organs in two projections;
X-ray of the peripheral parts of the backbone and spine in two projections;
X-ray of hands or foots in two projections;
X-ray of tubular bones in two projections;
X-ray of the skull bones.
Ultrasound Research:
ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity;
ultrasound examination of retroperitoneal space;
ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland;
otolaryngologic examinations;
research of hearing by tone audiometry;
study of the vestibular apparatus on the Barani armchair.
Clinical and Biochemical Laboratory:
Hematological blood test:
• the number of white blood cells;
• the number of red blood cells;
• the number of agranulocytes;
• the number of lymphocytes;
• the number of trombocytes;
• thrombocrit;
• width of throbmocytes distribution by volume.
Biochemical blood test:
• bilirubin total;
• urea;
• creatinine;
• cholesterol;
• triglycerides;
• alanine aminotransferase (ALT);
• aspartate aminotransferase (AST).
Clinical Urine Test:
• physical properties;
• by Nechyporenko;
• by Zemnystkyi
Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry and Monitoring of Toxic Substances:
• Determination of the content of heavy metals and microelements in human biological media (whole blood, blood serum and plasma, urine, hair) by the multielemental method of atomic emission spectrometry (lead, magnesium, manganese, chromium, arsenic, iron, copper, zinc, etc.)