Collection Occupational hygiene, Issue 27, 1991 year

To improve the experimental evaluation of the cardiovasotoxic effect of industrial chemicals

I. M. Trakhtenberg, V. A. Tychinin, I. E. Factorov, G. E. Verin, L. M. Krasnokutskaya, T. N. Pokrovskaya, I. V. Blakita


Kiev Research Institute of Occupational Hygiene and Occupational Diseases

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In our previous publications, we presented data supporting the principles, methods and indicators recommended for studying the cardiovasotoxic effect of harmful chemicals, as well as materials for analyzing the incidence of people working with potentially toxic industrial substances [4, 6-11].

Further observations carried out at a number of enterprises confirmed that the chemical factors of the working environment, in particular toxic heavy metals, are additional and, moreover, very significant risk factors for the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases. So, it was shown that in the structure of morbidity with temporary disability of those working with lead, cardiovascular pathology takes the second rank place (17.8%) after respiratory diseases. At the same time, with an increase in the length of service and the age of workers, an increase in indicators characterizing the level of cardiovascular diseases is observed, which allows with sufficient reason to recognize the presence of a certain dependence of these diseases on the action of lead in combination, probably with others, although not professionally prevailing in this case. - production factors.

It turned out that the most pronounced cardiovasotoxic effect is possessed by cadmium and copper salts; they are more characterized by a direct tropism to the cardiovascular system; salts of manganese and chromium - both direct and indirect, salts of mercury and lead - indirect tropism. It should be noted that young animals are more susceptible to the influence of heavy metals than old ones. The results of a histological study of preparations of rat organs poisoned with salts of cadmium, chromium, lead, mercury, manganese and copper showed that both in the heart and in parenchymal organs (liver, kidneys, lungs), structural disorders were more prevalent and intense in young individuals. ; in old animals, the changes were more erased and often had a focal character.


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