Collection Occupational hygiene, Issue 20, 1984 year

Characteristics of occupational diseases of the broncho-pulmonary apparatus in agricultural workers

E. P. Krasnyuk, L. N. Rossiyskaya


Kiev Research Institute of Occupational Hygiene and Occupational Diseases

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The prevalence of chronic diseases of the broncho-pulmonary apparatus among rural residents in recent years has a clear tendency to increase [10].

In the structure of chronic occupational morbidity among agricultural workers in the Ukrainian SSR, diseases of the broncho-pulmonary apparatus, in particular chronic bronchitis, constitute, according to individual authors, 2.9% [2]; according to preventive examinations of agricultural workers, their frequency reaches 10.2%. Approximately the same indicator (9.1%) is observed in the Byelorussian SSR [6].

An analysis of the frequency of diseases of the broncho-pulmonary apparatus in agricultural workers indicates a certain dependence of it on the branch of agricultural production, profession and specific working conditions.

The data presented indicate the need for a purposeful study of the state of the broncho-pulmonary apparatus in agricultural workers to identify the earliest disorders and prevent severe forms of diseases. For this, it is advisable to investigate the functional state of external respiration (spirometry, non-pneumotachometry). The absolute and relative values ​​of VC, as well as MCV, obtained during the preliminary medical examination, should be regarded as initial and the results of subsequent periodic medical examinations should be compared with them. Since among the diseases of the broncho-pulmonary apparatus among agricultural workers, there are also allergic forms of pathology, then the complex of diagnostic methods should include allergological studies to determine the sensitivity of the body to specific antigens (fungal, etc.).


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