Collection Occupational hygiene, Issue 20, 1984 year

Physiological and hygienic assessment of the labor intensity of the operator of phototypesetting machines for printing production

A. V. Gerasimov


Trypilska GRES of Kiev region

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The active introduction of new technology methods with the use of electronic equipment in the printing industry has contributed to the emergence of a number of new professions. A special place is occupied by the profession of an operator of a phototypesetting machine of the EPF-2 type, which replaced the strenuous labor of manual and machine typing, when the compositors are in direct contact with a lead alloy - garte [1, 4].

For the first time in the hygienic literature, we give a characteristic of the work of the operator-phototypesetter in order to assess his tension.

Taking into account that the camera operator is isolated from the effects of lead, working indoors with a favorable microclimate, absence of noise and rational lighting, working conditions can be characterized as optimal [2].

At the same time, taking into account the monotonous nature of the work of camera operators, it is necessary to carry out a number of operations to physiological rationalization of the labor process. So, for the prevention of visual fatigue, it is necessary to provide for the introduction of short 5-minute breaks every hour of work with physical exercises in the work and rest mode.

Thus, the studies carried out have shown that the work of the operator of phototypesetting machines is characterized by optimal conditions and an insignificant stress of the functions of the physiological systems most adequate to the labor process during production operations.

Taking into account the above, it can be assumed that the profession of a phototypesetter operator in the coming years will become widespread at the printing enterprises of our country.



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  2. Marchenko V. N., Kandror I. S., Ryazanov L. S. Po voprosu o printsipakh klassifikatsii rabot po stepeni tyazhesti, vrednosti i opasnosti. — Gig. truda, 1972, № 3, s. 4—12.
  3. Navakatikyan A. O., Kundiyev YU. I., Okhrimenko A. P. i dr. O printsipakh kolichestvennoy otsenki tyazhesti i napryazhennosti truda po dannym fiziologicheskikh issledovaniy. — Gig. truda, 1971, № 7, s. 3—8.
  4. Tomashevskaya L. I., Kapshuk A. P., Kiriyenko A. Ye. Funktsional'noye sostoyaniye serdechno-sosudistoy i simpatiko-adrenalovoy sistem u naborshchikov strokootlivnykh mashin pri dvukhsmennoy rabote. — Gig. truda, 1976, vyp. 12, s. 50—56.